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heating demand中文是什么意思

用"heating demand"造句"heating demand"怎么读"heating demand" in a sentence


  • 供热负荷


  • Based on experiences from european countries on solar energy application and domestic circumstances , presents the schemes and features of typical small - scale solar hybrid heating systems with both domestic hot water and space heating demand
  • This paper tries to establish a cwl ( climate - weekday - load ) model to predict the heat demand load of users . based on this and associated with the policy of time - of - use electricity price at present time and its future tendency , a much more economical decision can be made for this system using the optimization method
    作为尝试,通过“ cwl (气候-星期-负荷) ”模型预测用户的热负荷需求,并以此为基础,结合当前及着眼未来的分时电价发展趋势,利用优化方法对该系统的经济运行做出决策。
用"heating demand"造句  
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